
Corinthians installs ‘disinfectant boxes’ at stadium

Campeonato Brasileiro Serie A football club Corinthians has partnered with Brazilian pharmaceuticals company Neobrax to install disinfectant machines at its Arena Corinthians stadium.

Antiseptic machines have already been fitted at the club’s training ground and at Parque São Jorge. The disinfectant machines will be fitted at Arena Corinthians today (Tuesday).

Neobrax’s ‘Neutraliser Box’ machines are designed to better protect players and staff from contracting COVID-19. People who walk through the boxes are sprayed with chlorhexidine, which is approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa). The odourless substance will have no corrosive impact and does not irritate the skin.

When a person walks through the machine, the sprinklers are activated from the neck down to avoid eyes and ears, ensuring that protective masks can still be worn.

The boxes will have no side effects unless people are hypersensitive to chlorhexidine. Corinthians have been given six boxes in total.

Back in March, Arena Corinthians was one of a number of Brazilian stadiums offered up in the fight against COVID-19. Corinthians made all of its facilities available to authorities to help fight the virus.

Last month, Bloomfield Stadium in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv fitted a tunnel that sprays people with disinfectant mist as part of plans to limit the spread of COVID-19. Bloomfield Stadium’s tunnel uses electrolysed water as disinfectant spray and was introduced after researchers at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University developed technology to prolong the usability of the water.

Image: Arena Corinthians